An echocardiogram is a safe, non-invasive procedure used to diagnose cardiovascular disease. It uses high-frequency sound waves to literally see all four chambers of the heart, the heart valves, the great blood vessels entering and leaving the heart, as well as the sack around the heart. Echocardiography allows doctors to visualize the anatomy, structure, and function of the heart. It can quickly diagnose the presence and severity of heart valve problems, as well as determine abnormal flow within the heart which occurs with congenital heart disease that you may have been born with. This window to the heart enables the doctors to diagnose a number of cardiovascular diseases, so they can begin proper treatment.
Stress Echocardiogram
The stress echocardiogram combines the echo exam with a treadmill exercise test. Stress echocardiograms are used to diagnose the presence and severity of narrowing of the coronary arteries
Transesophageal Echocardiogram
Transesophageal echo is a form of echo where a miniature ultrasound camera is passed down the esophagus, or food pipe, behind the heart. This allows the physician to obtain very high quality images. Transesophageal echocardiograms are typically performed to evaluate strokes and transient ischemic attacks (TIA), previous valve replacements and bypass surgeries, and other serious heart conditions.
Treadmill Stress Test
A treadmill stress test is a common test for diagnosing coronary artery disease, especially in patients who have symptoms such as chest pain or a history of heart disease. The test helps physicians assess blood flow through coronary arteries in response to exercise, usually walking, at varied speeds and for various lengths of time on a treadmill.
A diagnostic procedure used to determine heart response to physical exertion (stress). Electrocardiogram (EKG) and other physiologic measurements (such as heart rate and blood pressure) are taken while the patient is exercising moderately on a treadmill, also known as an exercise tolerance test.